Hello, I am Marcel Schmurku.
I was born in Moldavia. Today I live with my wife in Bühl near Baden-Baden.
My first experience with photography was at the age of ten with a simple analog photo camera. During that time all my pictures were developed in the darkroom. Starting with black and white, later in colour.
As a teen, besides school and my hobby, swimming was my main sports. Swimming played an important role for my further education. In Moldavia Pedagogical University, I graduated with a degree in sports and education.
My first experience in the workforce was in Moldavia. I successfully taught and trained children and teens in swimming.
Sometimes I worked as a hobby photographer at festivities.
A few years later my wife and I migrated to Germany.
Here I went a different path. It took some time to learn about the culture, language and to gain financial stability. To improve my career, I decided to further my studies. I have completed a course at the “Deutsche Angestellten Akademie”, a commercial education (IHK - German Chamber of Commerce).
Today I am in the workforce. During my free time, I enjoy hiking and photographing in the Black Forest. I used the Olympus e- system and a reflex camera. The pictures are taken in RAW- format and with the help of RAW converters, they are a bit corrected and then developed.
I would like to thank my wife for her support and understanding for all the hiking that I did and my time consuming hobby.